Sunday, July 15, 2012

Strawberry Mango Paradise Smoothie-Why Coconut?

Why coconut? Coconut meat, milk and oil have been shown to:
  • Provides a nutritional source of quick energy
  • Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.
  • Improves digestion and bowel function.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Supports tissue healing and repair.
  • Supports and aids immune system function.
  • Functions as a protective antioxidant.
  • Helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.
That is just to name a few of the health benefits of coconut! Check out the latest from the Coconut Research Center on the health benefits and medicinal uses of the coconut!

Strawberry Mango Paradise Smoothie Recipe

In your blender add:
1/2c canned coconut milk (I like Thai kitchen) OR for thinner smoothie use prepared coconut milk
1/2c plain yogurt
1/2c chopped zucchini-raw
1c frozen strawberries
1c frozen mango
raw sugar or honey to taste (optional, my kids like it a bit sweeter)

Pulse to get the smoothie going and blend until you've reached your desired consistency. We like ours really smooth, so I'll let it blend for a minute or so. You can also throw in raw spinach in place of or addition to the zucchini. For an additional  boost of omega 3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber add a few sprinkles of flax meal into your smoothie. This recipe makes 4-5 smoothies.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Make "Healthy" a Habit: Challenge!

I'm re-introducing my Baby Steps, Big Changes challenge. I challenge you to make a small change to your health and well-being and to make it a habit. 1 small change. We all want to be healthy, fit individuals though getting there is daunting when you think about diets, nutrition, vitamins/supplements, stretching, exercising, sleep, low stress, good food, bad food, moderation etc etc. It's a LOT to think about and it's hard to put the right foot forward when trying to achieve so many goals in so many different places. However, while difficult, it's not impossible. it takes dedication, accountability, strength, knowledge, perseverance, hope, flexibility, a goal and a plan.

According to Florida International University, and various other research sources out there, it takes 21 days to form a habit (or in our situation, a lifestyle change) and conversely 21 days to break a habit. So, with this in mind, knowing that if we can dedicate ourselves to one part of our health...we can form a healthy lifestyle habit in just 21 days, 3 weeks.

How it will happen:
1) What 1 thing would you like to change (don't worry, if there's more than one, the rest will fall into place as you start to build a healthier lifestyle)
2) What is your goal? Start small.
3) Make a plan, write it down. Share it with others. Encourage others to join you. Accountability and team/group motivation is hugely successful.
4) Educate yourself on how to make the change, find a way that makes it happen for you. Empowered Wellness 'Healthy~You~Can Do" Workshops are a great way to gain the knowledge you need to fill your health toolbox with the tools you need in making healthier choices.  Be flexible to make it suit your lifestyle, do what works for you and be consistent in making it happen.  Educate yourselves on how to do it, what's worked for others, what will work for you.
5) Mark your calendar and journal-check in with friends who are on board with getting healthy
6) Continue to seek out resources, the more you know the more successful you can be.
7) Don't beat yourself up if you have an off day, we all do. It's ok to fall off the health wagon from time to time, just don't let it become a habit. A  Failure is feedback, learn something from your off days.
8) Reward yourself, don't deprive yourself of things that make the world a happier place. If chocolate brings you to a happy place, why deprive yourself of that small pleasure. Find a special time to indulge yourself. Find enjoyment and control over your indulgence to avoid over-doing it.
9) Pass it on, spread the word. A healthy world is a happier world
10) Smile, it releases endorphins

So....who's in? You can do this!