Thursday, August 27, 2015

Here are the two barriers to exercise that we hear most often:

I don't have enough time.

I don't have enough money.
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Here's your challenge today: If I came to you and told you that I had injured myself and needed to be taken to the ER, would you have time for that?

If so, then you have time to exercise.

The truth is that you have to MAKE time for exercise.  It's in your power.

If you truly feel that you can't carve out time in your life to exercise, take a really close look at how you do spend your time and decide if what you're spending your time on really matches the things you say you want to be spending your time on.

The same holds true for money.  We all have limited financial resources.  And we choose where to spend those resources.

Do you go out to eat?  Do you get your coffee from a coffee shop instead of making it at home?  Do you pay for cable?  Do you take trips?  Do you buy decorations for your house?  Do you buy a lot of clothes?

If so, then you have the money to pay for the exercise that you want to do.

It's all a matter of WHERE you spend your money.

I'll make you a deal - you MAKE time and CHOOSE to spend your money on exercise, and we will make exercise fun and effective for you!  I promise!

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